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If your New Year’s Resolution Includes More Pickle Ball, Read On!

If your 2022 New Year’s resolution Includes more pickle ball, you’ll be glad to know that “pickle ball for all” was the most popular vote at this town meeting.

The Fairfield Parks and Recreation department hosted a town meeting at Fairfield Ludlowe High School at the end of November to ask residents for their input regarding what they would like to see regarding park facilities, recreation, βš½οΈπŸ€πŸ₯Ž and events. This input was part of the process of building a longterm plan.

There was a Strong Turnout and Professionally Facilitated Discussion

The meeting, facilitated by a professional team, had participants break into small groups to discuss and tally responses. Each small group discussion was led by a facilitating team member, and each small group shared their input with the full participation at the end of the meeting.

Many Great Ideas Were Discussed

There was discussion about adding cement walkways at the beaches, more bike lanes, more functioning restrooms in the winter, more dog parks, a large field house (possibly in the vacant lot along Grasmere Avenue, adding more basketball and pickle ball courts, and of course, my request for a clearer process for implementing flash mobs πŸ’₯ πŸ’ƒπŸ•ΊπŸ»around town to further integrate the arts into the community πŸ™‚ ! …So flash mobs didn’t get the most votes, but pickle ball courts did! πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

This process contributed to the creation of a comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan to develop a vision reflecting the needs and priorities of the community and a roadmap for implementing that vision over the next ten years..

It’s Not Too Late for Your Input!

To learn more about the project and how you can participate, visit the project website at or go straight to the Community Survey here!

Questions or Comments? Feel free to get in touch below.


Didn’t Feel Like It, But I Went to Last Night’s Meeting Anyway

Okay truth be told, I reallyΒ really didn’t feel like going to last night’s Fairfield Ludlowe High School PTA meeting that had been on my calendar since the date was emailed out to all of us. Β I was tired, and it was freezing out, and dark,Β and we just finished dinner after a long day, and the meeting would be long… Β In fact, I succeeded in talking myself out of going and finally resolved to skip it- literally the minute before I threw my coat on and pushed my butt out the door!

FLHS-PTA-LogoStar parent, right? Β Unfortunately, the realityΒ was that I did not stand alone in these sentiments. Β When I got there, only about 10 others were present, including the PTA President, Jim Accomando, Past President, Christine Vitale, Headmaster, Greg Hatzis, VP of Programs, Laura Lawlor, two teachers and a few others!

The meeting was in the comfortable lecture room at the back of the Library, and Greg Hatzis was going to give an overview of the school’s 2016 Improvement Plan. Β He had a PowerPoint presentation and handouts prepared for everyone.
joint library picture

As I listened, I was more and more impressed by the comprehensiveness of the plan and ambitious goals as well as the energy and passion expressed by the presenter. Β There were so many focus areas to cover, but the determined Headmaster nailed the key points and even gave us a short Parent Beliefs survey to complete, all inside the span of one hour!

I thought the meeting and information were so valuable that the least I could do was share what I could about it. Β So I’ve included the three handouts (via the linked text in bold below) and listed what I thought were the main takeaways. Β Here are five points that I thought were key from the meeting,

  1. FLHS Improvement Plan 2015-2016Β is completely aligned with the District Plan. Β It focuses on four core strategy areas and includes a feedback loop of action, evaluation, and continuous improvement.
    1. Instructional Program
    2. Teams/School Improvement Plans
    3. Leadership Capacity
    4. Resources
  2. There are four importantΒ Academic Expectations including,
    1. Critical Thinking
    2. Creative Thinking
    3. Communicating
    4. Collaborating
  3. The Marzano FLHS Teacher Evaluation ModelΒ is used. Β A valuable element of the model is that it focuses on a progression of teaching new knowledge, in-depth use and understanding of this knowledge and then advancing kids to use the knowledge andΒ skills to generate original thinking such as developing one’s own hypothesis.
  4. The new Block Schedule with longer class times is working out great! Although it required teachers to start lesson planning from scratch, it has been instrumental to enabling more in-depth teaching and student understanding of the subjects.
  5. Teachers conduct Curriculum Focus Groups about twice per month. No longer do teachers work in isolation. Now they also learn from and inspire one another- just like doctors and surgeons have been doing for a long time. Β Teacher feedback is that they find it exceptionally valuable.

All of this funnels down from the overarching mission of the Fairfield Public Schools:

The mission of the Fairfield Public Schools, in partnership with families and the community, is to ensure that every student acquires the knowledge and skills to be a lifelong learner, responsible citizen, and successful participant in an ever-changing global society through a comprehensive educational program.

In the end, I was so glad I made it to this meeting. Β I gained valuable insights about my child’s education as well as the overall the quality of Fairfield’s education system and got to meet some very nice people. Having been so impressed, I’ve since hoped that more parents will come to future PTA meetings.

In the meantime, I’ve been convinced that our kids are in excellent hands! Go Falcons!

Go FLHS Falcons!


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